When evaluating information, ask yourself
...who is the author/organization of the information? Are they experts? What are their credentials?
...what is the content? Is the information verified, supported by evidence, college-level?
...why is it being presented? Is the purpose to inform? sell? entertain? persuade?
...when was it created? Do you need current information for your topic? Is the information up-to-date?
"How to Evaluate Sources for Reliability" © Teaching Without Frills
APA Style
1. Double check with your instructor and/or assignment guidelines for required format style.
2. When conducting research, maintain a record of all your source's citation elements.
[author, title, publication information, etc.]
3. Next, compare your citation elements with an example and replicate the format exactly.
[element order, punctuation, capitalization, spacing, & font]
Citation examples on this EFSC APA Citation Guide: 7th Edition
Marian Smith, Professor, Library Science, 321-433-5601 - Ask-A- Librarian
"Health Sciences & Nursing RN @ Melbourne Campus" by Marian Smith. CC by 4.0.