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A guide to cosmetology resources from the EFSC Libraries.

Article Search Tips

Select one of the databases in the next box to find articles. 

  • Use AND to refine your search and narrow the number of results.  Example: nursing AND shortage

  • To search a phrase, enclose the term in quotation marks. Example: "alternative medicine"

  • To find all possible word endings add *. Example: infect* finds infects, infected, infection, infecting, etc.

  • Too many results? Search the terms in the subject field, rather than all search fields.

  • Still can't find what you need? Email AAL.

Find Articles

The following databases may be helpful when searching for cosmetololgy articles:

Log in using your B number (example: B00999999) for the Borrower I.D. and your birth date MMDDYY (last two digits of birth date for YY) for the PIN. 

Interlibrary Loan

Have you found a good book or article but it is not available at EFSC or any other Florida public colleges or universities? ILLiad is an interlibrary loan (ILL) service provided to currently enrolled EFSC students, faculty and staff to obtain access to materials available from other libraries in and out of state.