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PubMed Training Course: Evidence-Based Practice
This is an excellent tutorial demonstrating how to search for evidence-based practice articles in PubMed.
NOTE: this tutorial does not link to EFSC's PubMed Portal. If you want to practice the exercises in the tutorial, open a separate window for the EFSC PubMed Portal. Using the EFSC PubMed Portal will link you to the free full text of articles in the EFSC Library's online collections.

Learning Objectives for this training course:
Accurately and precisely describe your clinical question using PICO
Convert your research question into search terms for PubMed
Check that medical terms in your search map to Medical Subject Headings
Use appropriate filters to refine your search results set
Use Clinical Queries to limit results to clinically relevant literature
Find full text linked from PubMed
Identify your library as a source for full text articles
Find the “My NCBI” link and recognize that as a place to store searches and citations
Identify your librarian as a source for search assistance
Find the PubMed Online Training page and specific tutorials relevant for continuing your training