Always use the EFSC portal to PubMed. This special link will let you view full text journal articles available from the EFSC Library.
PubMed - EFSC Portal This link opens in a new window
The is the EFSC specific portal to PubMed which includes citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content in EFSC online collections or other free sources, eBooks, and publisher web sites.
When viewing the citation details screen, look for this icon to find the article's full text in EFSC's online library collections:
Click on the full text finder icon and, if prompted, log in using your Titan User Name and Password.
Not every article will be available full text in EFSC collections. Articles not available in full text will display a link to Submit an ILL request for this item. Fill out the request form and the Library will try to find a free copy of your article via Interlibrary Loan.