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Bachelor of Science in Nursing Research Guide

A research guide to find BSN resources from the EFSC Libraries

APA Citing

     Cover of APA Publication Manual 7th edition

American Psychological Association Publication Manual 7th edition

For citing help using the APA style, see the College-wide APA Citation Guide: 7th Edition



Components of a citation:

  • Author name or names

    • last name, first and middle initials
  • Publication date

  • Title of work

  • Publication information, can include:

    • journal volume and issue number
    • page numbers
    • place of publication, city and state abbreviation or country
    • publisher
    • sometimes a DOI (digital object identifier) or URL

A fast paced video about citations from the Appalachian State Library Belk Library & Information Commons (time 2:43). Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

Citing Help

Most health sciences disciplines use the APA citation style from the American Psychological Association. Check with your instructor for the preferred citation format.