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College-wide APA Citation Guide: 7th Edition

Citing the Web & OER

10.16 Webpages and Websites

Citation parts: Author, Date, Title, Website name, URL


110. Webpage on a news website

Wakefield, J., (2020, May 7). Coronavirus: Google ends plans for smart city in Toronto. BBC


Parenthetical citation: (Wakefield, 2017, paras. 6-10).

Narrative citation: Wakefield (2017)...(paras. 6-10).


111. Webpage on a website with a group author

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, February 14). Outbreak of lung injury associated with the

use of E-Cigarette, or vaping products.


Parenthetical citation: (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020, Map of Recorded Cases).

Narrative citation: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2020)...(Map of Recorded Cases).


114. Webpage on a website with a retrieval date (webpage is designed to change over time)

U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.).  Educational attainment of the population 18 years and over, by age, sex, race,

and hispanic origin: 2018. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved February 16, 2020,


Parenthetical citation: (U.S. Census Bureau, n.d.).

Narrative citation: U.S. Census Bureau (n.d.).


Open Educational Resource

Caulfield, M., (2017, January 1). Web literacy for student fact checkers. OER



Parenthetical citation: (Caulfield, 2017, Chapter 16).

Narrative citation: Caulfield (2017)...(Chapter 16).