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Political Science

Research Topic & Keywords

Selecting a topic can be challenging. Your instructor may offer a list of research topics or allow students to choose their own.

Creating your Thesis will define the Research Paper you will be writing. Political Science utilizes the scientific method to ask questions about a specific aspect of governance or politics.

The Issues & Controversies, and the Opposing Viewpoints databases are great resources if you don’t already have a topic in mind.

Start by thinking of a topic that has a clear tie to politics or government. The challenge is, you need to be able to ask something specific within your topic. This will likely involve variables and measurable information.

If you’re not sure what kinds of questions or variables are connected to your topic of interest, then do preliminary research in the academic database to survey the existing body of knowledge on your topic.

Here is an example of how a broad topic can be used to create specific questions. Note that this topic is not connected to American Government and is only demonstrational.

Start by watching the video below, Choosing a Research Topic.
The second video, Brainstorming a Research Topic, will help you _______________ .