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Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom

This Research Guide discusses artificial intelligence, and specifically chatbots: What they are, how they are seen in the higher-education classroom, and the academic-integrity issues arising from student use of AI tools in the classroom

Prompt Literacy - A Key for AI-Based Learning

CAST Model for effective prompt-making

As we continue working with various Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, we can see the need for effective prompt-making.  Just as we learn to use keywords and search terms for searching for library resources and on the Internet, these AI tools require us to become competent "prompt engineers."

ASCD is a global education organization working to empower educators to better help students; they have created the "CAST" model for teaching effective prompt-creation.  CAST is based on what has worked well for search-engine searching.

CAST stands for: Criteria, Audience, Specifications, and Testing.

Criteria stands for the limiters on what you want the AI tool to produce for you.

Audience stands for your audience and how the tool's output must match that group's needs.

Specifications stands for the specific details and descriptions your prompts must include, to generate the output you want.

Testing is the refinement you do on the first and subsequent iterations of the output you receive.  Just as we must revise and edit our first drafts of papers and speeches and manuscripts, so we must revise and edit the AI-tool's output to better match what we need from it.

ChatGPT Resources for EFSC faculty to use

Generative AI Glossary

Created and published by for-profit prompt-generating company AIPRM, this lengthy glossary of artificial-intelligence terms will be a help for those of us wanting to learn more about this ever-expanding field.

(Thanks, Fuller Library STEM Club, for passing this link on to us!)


For EFSC Faculty: "Artificial Intelligence in Teaching & Learning" Canvas class

Dean Ilana Grimes has pulled together resources about AI for teaching & learning for EFSC instructors. You can enroll in this class and then post and learn from each other.  Request access from Dean Grimes


Check out the myCETL Canvas modules about ChatGPT and various other AI tech that may be useful for you in assessing and editing your class work.  Here is a screenshot of what these Canvas modules look like:

Screenshot of Canvas class myCETL and its three AI modules collapsed down


TurnItIn and ChatGPT:  "Academic integrity in the age of AI"

Here is a set of resources from TurnItIn, "an overview of resources for educators in search of academic integrity solutions in instruction and assessment when faced with student usage of artificial intelligence tools" (from, accessed 04-26-2023)

These resources include links to articles about:
  • AI-generated text and what educators are saying
  • AI-generated text - an annotated list
  • Guide for approaching AI-generated text in the classroom
  • AI vocabulary glossary
Plus other articles on AI misuse, etc.

ChatGPT Webinar from Pearson

"How ChatGPT can be seen as an ally instead of an adversary in teaching and learning"

The Pearson Team brought together a panel of instructors to offer their insights and perspectives on the emerging technology.
Topics included:
How ChatGPT is already transforming campuses and classrooms
The potential ramifications of this tool on the learning process for students
An exploration of how ChatGPT can be seen as an ally instead of an adversary

Check out this webinar to gain new perspectives!


Screenshot of Elements of AI free online class webpage_accessed 03-21-2023


"Elements of AI" online class

Free online class to learn what AI is about and its affect on folks' lives.
Originally created by the University of Helsinki, this link brings you to a website,, which hosts the free online course.