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Speech Research Guide

Welcome to the College-wide Speech Research Guide

Belt, Andrew. (2013). Image_0256 [Photograph]. Retrieved from [No modification].


This Research Guide was developed to assist students conducting research for speech assignments.
Steps include:
1. Reviewing the speech assignment
2. Identifying a topic and related keywords
3. Conducting research
4. Evaluating sources
5. Citing sources & plagiarism


Please contact an Eastern Florida State College Librarian if you experience any barriers to accessing these materials or need research help. Cocoa 321-433-7662 Melbourne 321-433-5576 Palm Bay 321-433-5275 Titusville 321-433-5036

This College-wide Speech Research Guide was based in part on guides previously created for EFSC by Carrie Johnson, Speech - Melbourne - SPC 2608 and Michelle Rezeau, Speech - Cocoa - SPC 2608


"College-wide Speech Research Guide" by Marian Smith. CC by 4.0.