Nursing / RN journals will be found throughout EFSC Health Databases. Limit search results by journal title.
Center for Evidence Based Practice
"The Indiana Center for Evidence-Based nursing Practice (ICEBNP) is your online source for evidence-based nursing news, links, and resources. The ICEBNP is part of a global cooperative effort to expand the understanding and use of research-based evidence to produce the best patient outcomes."
Created by nurses, for nurses, Lippincott " is the premier online destination for peer-reviewed nursing journals and continuing education resources based on the best evidence available."
Nursing journals
"Advancing the profession of nursing, and promoting a healthy Florida."
EFSC Career Center Make an Appointment: Click on the campus location where you’d like to schedule an appointment. For Cocoa, Melbourne and Palm Bay, you can choose an on-campus or virtual option when you pick your day and time. For Titusville, you'll be sending an email so please include your phone #, email and they type of appointment you prefer, and a representative will get back to you. Cocoa - Melbourne - Palm Bay - Titusville (Appointment Request)
Research Article Sources
Article Requirements:
Writing Resources
Basic Medical-Surgical Nursing
Core Assignment: Plan & Create an Educational Video
NURC 2241 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing
Core Assignment: Locating Research Topic Articles
1. Go to CINAHL Complete
2. Enter Search terms
3. Limit search for more relevant results
4. Review article and email PDF with APA citation details
Core Assignment: Writing an Article Summary
How to Write a Summary - Guide & Examples (from
Writing a Summary (from The University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center)
Core Assignment: APA Style and Grammar Guidelines
Paper Format (Font, Headings, Line Spacing, Margins, Title Page Setup…)
In-Text Citations Basics of Citation, Paraphrasing, Plagiarism, Quotations, Secondary Sources…)
Mechanics of Style (Capitalization, Italics and Quotation Marks, Punctuation…)
Bias-Free Language (Age, Disability, Gender, Reducing Bias, Identity, Orientation…)
References (Basic Reference List, Elements of Reference List Entries, Reference Examples…)
Grammar (Active and Passive Voice, First Person Pronouns, Verb Tense…)
EFSC Library's APA Citation Guide - 7th Ed. -- Citing Database Journal Articles (Example 1)
NUR 2463 Maternal, Newborn, Pediatric Nursing
See "Research Sources" > Click "Articles" tab
Note: Peer-reviewed Articles
Your instructor may ask you to use "Peer-reviewed" articles for your research assignment.
Peer-reviewed "articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in order to ensure the article’s quality. (The article is more likely to be scientifically valid, reach reasonable conclusions, etc.)"
Transcultural and Community Health Nursing
Research Article Sources
Journal of Transcultural Nursing: (Limit by years - Be sure articles are primary research - Access through Eastern Florida State College)
Article Requirements:
Writing Resources
Paper Mechanics: Sample APA Student paper from Purdue Owl
Marian Smith, Professor, Library Science, 321-433-5601 - Ask-A- Librarian
"Health Sciences & Nursing RN @ Melbourne Campus" by Marian Smith. CC by 4.0.